Industrial Compliances for Industries 

Industrial Permissions / Licenses

Inland India assist the entrepreneur / firms / companies not only in selection of the place but also assist them in obtaining various licenses and permission required for running the industry.

We liaise with the concerned department on behalf of the client to obtain the requisite permissions, NOC’s and licenses. We endeavor to provide all industrial related services under one roof thus saving the valuable time of the client. 

Following services are provided by the Inland India

 Department Related Services :

1. Land Department - Services.

The land for industrial areas is acquired by the State Government and handed over to the Corporation for further disposal.

The Corporation plans the area and disposes the land in suitable plots by leasing out for specific years. For this purpose the Corporation recovers the premium lease money at different rates for different industrial areas.

Team Inland India will liaise with State Industrial Corporation’s Land Department to help you with all the permissions and license which are required at various stages.

We Assist in:

● Execution of Predetermined Lease

● Execution of Final Lease

● Permission for Mortgage

● Grant of Permission for Leasing

● Grant of Permission for Subletting

● Grant of Permission for Sub-Leasing

● Permission for Amalgamation/Waive of Marginal Distance

● Permission of Sub-Division of Plot

● Permission for Change in Activity

● Permission for Change in Land use

● Surrender of Plot & Refund

● Change in Name of Company

● Transfer of Plot 

2. Fire Department - Services

The fire services are called as the fourth line of National defense. The Govt. of India has nomenclature the fire services as “Fire & Emergency Services” and designated as the first responders in case of any emergency.

As far as MIDC is concern, MIDC has taken a policy decision to provide full fledge fire station Team Inland India will liaise with State Industrial Corporation’s Fire Department to help you with all the permissions and license which are required at various stages. 

We Assist in:

● Provisional Fire Approval

● Renewal of Final NOC

● Final Fire Approval

3. Engineering - Water Department - Services. 

Over the years, created a vast, robust and reliable water supply system. The system caters to the water needs of the industries within industrial areas and also those outside, in the adjoining areas. supplies treated, potable water to all industrial units.

Team Inland India will liaise with State Industrial Corporation’s Water Department to help you with all the permissions and license which are required at various stages.

We Assist in:

● Water Supply Connection

● No Dues Certificate

4. Engineering - Power Department - Services.

Infrastructure like power is in place in MIDC Estates. MIDC is not into power distribution. Department will issue “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) required to be submitted to Power Distribution Company.

Team Inland India will liaise with State Industrial Corporation’s Power Department to help you with all the permissions and license which are required at various stages.

We Assist in:

● Grant of No Objection Certificate for power connection

MPCB Related Services : 

1. Environmental Clearance.

We provide consultancy services for obtaining environmental clearance from SEIAA (State Environment Impact Assessment Authority) as well as Molefe (Ministry of Environmental Affairs).

We have professionals who have wide expertise in these domains and this helps us to provide timely and reliable services to our clients.

Team Inland India will liaise with SEIAA and Molefe to get you Environmental Clearance Certificate. 

Steps involve in greeting Environmental Clearance 

1. Preparation of Form I / Form I & IA

2. TOR (Terms of Reference) Approval

3. Baseline data collection

4. Preparation of EIA Report

5. Assistance for public hearing

6. Presentation and securing Environmental Clearance

2. Hazardous Waste Returns.

“Hazardous Waste” means any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or is likely to cause danger to health or environment whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances.

Team Inland India will liaise with State Pollution Control Board to help you get Authorization under Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008. 1.Site Registration with MPCB System 2. Preparation Annual Returns 3. Filing of Form 4 with MPCB 4. Obtain Authorization


Why Industrial Compliance Required?

In India, if you want to run any Industry then you have to clear your all Industrial Compliances like Fire, Safety, Environmental and more

Authority Compliances
Industrial Compliances
Authority Compliances
Industrial Compliances